Retirement Strategy: Planning Your Retirement Lifestyle

Some retirees succeed at realizing the life they want; others don’t.

Fate aside, it isn’t merely a matter of investment decisions that make the difference. There are certain dos and don’ts – some less apparent than others – that tend to encourage retirement happiness and comfort.

Retire financially literate.

Some retirees don’t know how much they don’t know. They end their careers with inadequate financial knowledge yet feel they can prepare for retirement on their own. They mistake creating a retirement income strategy with the whole of preparing for retirement, and they gloss over longevity risk, risks to their estate, and potential health care expenses. The more you know, the more your retirement readiness improves.

Is the goal to retire debt-free – or close to debt-free?

Even if your retirement savings are substantial, you may want to consider reviewing your overall debt situation.

Retire with purpose.

There’s a difference between retiring and quitting. Some people can’t wait to quit their job at 62 or 65. If only they could escape and just relax and do nothing for a few years – wouldn’t that be a nice reward? Relaxation can lead to inertia, however – and inertia can lead to restlessness, even depression. You want to retire to a dream, not away from a problem.

The bottom line? Retirees who know what they want to do – and go out and do it – are positively contributing to their mental health and possibly their physical health as well. If they do something that is not only vital to them but also important to others, their community can benefit as well.

Retire healthy.

Smoking, drinking, overeating, a dearth of physical activity – all these can take a toll on your capacity to live life fully and enjoy retirement. It is never too late to change habits that may lead to poor health.

Retire where you feel at home.

It could be where you live now; it could be a nearby place where the scenery and people are uplifting. If you find yourself lonely in retirement, then look for ways to connect with people who share your experiences, interests, and passions, those who encourage you and welcome you. This social interaction is one of the great, intangible retirement benefits.

A successful retirement is not merely measured in financial terms.

Even those who retire with small fortunes can face boredom or depression and the fear of drawing down their savings too fast. How can new retirees try to calm these worries?

Two factors may help: a gradual retirement transition and some guidance from a financial professional.

An abrupt break from the workplace may be unsettling.

As a hypothetical example, imagine a well-paid finance manager at an auto dealership whose personal identity is closely tied to his job. His best friends are all at the dealership. He retires, and suddenly his friends and sense of purpose are absent. He finds that he has no compelling reason to leave the house, nothing to look forward to when he gets up in the morning. Guess what? He hates being retired.

On the other hand, if he prepares for his retirement years in advance of his farewell party by exploring an encore career, engaging in varieties of self employment, or volunteering, he can retire with something promising ahead of him. If he broadens the scope of his social life so that he can see friends and family regularly and interact with both older and younger people in different settings, his retirement may also become more enjoyable.

The interests and needs of a retiree can change with age or as they disengage from the working world. Retired households may need to adjust their lifestyles in response to this evolution.

Practically all retirees have some financial anxiety.

It relates to the fact of no longer earning a conventional paycheck. You see it in couples who have $60,000 saved for retirement; you see it in couples who have $6 million saved for retirement. Their retirement strategies are about to be tested, in real-time. All that careful preparation is ready to come to fruition, but there are always unknowns.

Some retirees are afraid to spend.

They fear spending too much too soon. With help from a financial professional, they can create a strategy.

Retirement challenges people in two ways.

The obvious challenge is financial; the less obvious challenge is mental. Both tests may be met with sufficient foresight and dedication.

This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information, and provided by Twenty Over Ten. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security.

Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin Basics

Over the past few years, you’ve probably heard—and read—more and more about cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and many others. A surprising 13% of Americans traded in cryptocurrency in 2020, compared with 24% who traded in stocks. And the number of people trading in crypto is only expected to increase.1

But what exactly is cryptocurrency? In this article, we will cover some crypto and bitcoin basics to help you better understand this new asset and economy.

What Is Cryptocurrency?

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), cryptocurrency is “a type of digital currency that generally only exists electronically.”2 When we talk about currency, we’re usually talking about a system of money used by a particular country. We may even think about the physical currency that we can carry in our wallets. Cryptocurrency operates similarly, but there is no physical currency to touch and hold. Instead, you exchange it online and keep it stored in a digital wallet (more on that later).

New forms of crypto are always being created, but Bitcoin is one of the most popular.

What Is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is the cryptocurrency that most people are familiar with. It was created in 2009 and was one of the first digital currencies to gain popularity. Like with other cryptocurrencies, there are no physical bitcoins. Instead, your balance is kept on a public ledger that everyone can access, although each specific record is encrypted.3

Bitcoin isn’t traded on any stock exchange, which also means it isn’t regulated or secured the way other investment types are.

There are currently hundreds of different types of cryptocurrency traded, but, along with Bitcoin, a few other big players have come to the forefront, including Ethereum, XRP, Tether, Cardano, and Dogecoin.

How Do You Use Cryptocurrency?

As previously mentioned, rather than keep your cryptocurrency in the bank, you instead keep it in a digital wallet that can be stored online, on your computer, or on an external hard drive. To make purchases using cryptocurrency, you exchange the crypto in your wallet for payment.

In some cases, you may also be able to load cryptocurrency on your debit card to pay for purchases. According to Kiplinger, major debit card processors like Visa and Mastercard offer crypto-linked debit cards.4

One important thing to remember is that cryptocurrencies aren’t protected by banks or financial institutions and don’t come with the same legal protections as credit and debit cards. If something happens to your currency—for example, you get locked out of your digital wallet or someone steals your computer—it will be difficult to find a solution.

In addition, most crypto purchases aren’t reversible, and you won’t be able to dispute the purchase with your credit card company like you can with traditional exchanges. The FTC warns that if you store your crypto with a third-party company and that company goes out of business or is hacked, the government has no obligation to step in and help as it would with FDIC-insured assets.2

As our economy continues to evolve, more people are looking to make cryptocurrency part of their overall investment strategy. Right now, crypto is seen as a speculative investment—interesting, volatile, and risky. There’s still much we don’t know about crypto’s stability or longevity, but it’s worth learning about to understand how currencies are changing around us.


This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information, and provided by Twenty Over Ten. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security.

Retirement Strategy: How Retirement Strategy Has Changed

There was a time when you’d have a pension at the end of your working years.

Now, of course, pensions are not as common, though you can certainly analyze your own retirement strategy.

Not all retirement strategies are the same.

In fact, there is such a wide variety of retirement strategies that it is worth reading up on your choices. Here’s a brief look at the different strategies and what they have to offer.

The traditional 401(k).

Most people have this type of retirement savings strategy, and it works like this. The strategy is funded with pre-tax dollars taken out of your paycheck (through payroll deductions). If you’re lucky, your company will match your level of contribution or even make contributions on your behalf – after all, the employer contributions are tax deductible.

The Safe Harbor 401(k).

A byproduct of the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996, the Safe Harbor strategy combines the best features of the traditional 401(k) and the SIMPLE IRA, making it very attractive to a business owner. With a Safe Harbor plan, an owner-operator can avoid the big administrative expenses of a traditional 401(k)
and enjoy higher contribution limits.

The SIMPLE 401(k).

Designed for small business owners who don’t want to deal with retirement plan administration or nondiscrimination tests, the SIMPLE 401(k) is available for businesses with less than 100 employees. Like a Safe Harbor plan, the business owner must make fully vested contributions (a dollar-for-dollar match of
up to 3% of an employee’s income or a non-elective contribution of 2% of pay for each eligible employee).

The Solo 401(k).

Combine a profit-sharing plan with a regular 401(k), and you have the Solo 401(k) plan, a retirement savings vehicle designed for sole proprietors with no employees other than their spouses.

The Roth 401(k).

Imagine a traditional 401(k) fused with a Roth IRA. Here’s the big difference: you contribute after-tax income to a Roth 401(k), and when you reach age 59½, your withdrawals will be tax free (provided you’ve had your plan for more than five years).

You can roll Roth 401(k) assets into a Roth IRA when you retire – and you don’t have to make mandatory withdrawals from a Roth IRA when you turn 70½.


This employer-funded plan gives businesses a simplified vehicle to make contributions toward workers’ retirements (and optionally, their own). The employer contributions are 100% vested from the start, and the employer can supplement the SEP-IRA with another retirement plan.


This is like a SIMPLE 401(k) – a small business retirement plan with mandatory employer. But in this plan, there is one big difference for the business owner. If the business is not doing well, the owner can temporarily reduce plan contributions.

The Keogh Plan.

The Keogh is designed for small, unincorporated businesses. There are defined benefit, money purchase, and profit-sharing variations; the defined benefit variation is a qualified pension plan offering a fixed benefit amount.

Did you know you had so many choices?

If you are an employer, you may not have realized you have such an array of choices in retirement plans. But you do, and asking the right questions may represent the first step toward implementing the right plan for your future or your company. Be sure to ask a qualified financial advisor or business retirement
plan consultant about your options today.

Across the country, people are saving for that “someday” called retirement.

Someday, their careers will end. Someday, they may live off their savings or investments, plus Social Security. They know this, but many of them do not know when, or how, it will happen. What is missing is a strategy – and a good strategy might make a great difference.

A retirement strategy directly addresses the “when,” “why,” and “how” of retiring.

It can even address the “where.” It breaks the whole process of getting ready for retirement into actionable steps.

This is so important. Too many people retire with doubts, unsure if they have enough retirement money, and uncertain of what their tomorrows will look like. In contrast, you can save, invest, and act on your vision of retirement now to chart a path toward your goals and the future you want to create for yourself.

Some people dismiss having a long-range retirement strategy since no one can predict the future. Indeed, there are things about the future you cannot control: how the stock market will perform, how the economy might do, and so on. That said, you have partial or full control over other things: the way you save and invest, your spending and borrowing, the length and arc of your career, and your health. You also have the chance to be proactive and to prepare for the future.

A good retirement strategy has many elements.

It sets financial objectives. It addresses your retirement income: how much you may need, the sequence of account withdrawals, and the age at which you claim Social Security. It establishes (or refines) an investment approach. It examines tax implications and potential tax advantages. It takes possible health care costs into consideration and even the transfer of assets to heirs.

A prudent retirement strategy also entertains different consequences.

Financial advisors often use multiple-probability simulations to try to assess the degree of financial risk to a retirement strategy in case of an unexpected outcome. These simulations can help to inform the advisor and the retiree or pre-retiree about the “what ifs” that may affect a strategy. They also consider
sequence-of-returns risk, which refers to the uncertainty of the order of returns an investor may receive over an extended period.

Let a retirement strategy guide you.

Ask a financial professional to collaborate with you to create a retirement strategy, personalized for your goals and dreams. When you have this strategy, you will know what steps to take in pursuit of the future you want.

This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information, and provided by Twenty Over Ten. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security.

Estate Planning: Tax Planning

Tax planning is a year-round process, not just something that happens in the weeks leading up to April 15. It’s a wise move to keep your tax planning efficient, educate yourself about potential tax scams, and plan your charitable distributions.

Do you have a 401(k) or a traditional IRA? If so, you will receive income from both after age 72. However, if you have saved and invested much of your life, you may also end up retiring at a higher marginal tax rate than your current one. In fact, the income resulting from a required minimum distribution alone could push you into a higher tax bracket.

What’s a pre-tax investment?

Traditional IRAs and 401(k)s are examples of pre-tax investments. You can put off paying taxes on the contributions you make to these accounts until you start to take distributions. When you take distributions from these accounts, you may owe taxes on the withdrawal. Pre-tax investments are also called tax-deferred investments, as the invested assets can benefit from tax-deferred growth.

Under the SECURE Act, once you reach age 72, you must begin taking required minimum distributions from traditional IRAs, 401(k)s, and other defined contribution plans in most circumstances. Withdrawals are taxed as ordinary income and, if taken before age 59½, may be subject to a 10% federal income tax penalty. Contributions to a traditional IRA may be fully or partially deductible, depending on your adjusted gross income.

What’s an after-tax investment?

A Roth IRA is a classic example. When you put money into a Roth IRA, the contribution is made with after-tax dollars. As a trade-off, you may not owe taxes on the withdrawals from that Roth IRA (so long as you have had your Roth IRA at least five years and you are at least 59½ years old). With distributions from
a Roth IRA, your total taxable retirement income is not as high as it would be otherwise.

Should you have both a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA?

It may seem redundant, but it could help you manage your tax situation. Keep in mind that tax-free and penalty-free withdrawals from a Roth IRA can also be taken under certain other circumstances, such as the owner’s death.

Smart moves can help you manage your taxable income and taxable estate. If you’re making a charitable gift, giving appreciated securities that you have held for at least a year is one choice to consider. In addition to you receiving a potential tax deduction for the fair market value of the asset in the year of the donation, the charity may be able to sell the stock later without triggering capital gains.

Remember, however, that this article is for informational purposes only and is not a replacement for real life advice, so make sure to consult your tax, legal, and accounting professionals before modifying your charitable giving strategy.

Avoiding tax scams

Year after year, criminals try to scam certain taxpayers. And year after year, certain taxpayers resort to schemes in an effort to put one over on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). These cons occur year round, not just during tax season. In response to their frequency, the IRS has listed the 12 biggest offenses
—scams that you should recognize and schemes that warrant penalties and/or punishment.


If you get an unsolicited email claiming to be from the IRS, it is a scam. The IRS never reaches out via email, regardless of the situation. If such an email lands in your inbox, forward it to You should also be careful when sending personal information, including payroll or other financial information, via an email or website.

Phone scams

Each year, criminals call taxpayers and allege that said taxpayers owe money to the IRS. Visual tricks can lend authenticity to the ruse. For example, the caller ID may show a toll-free number. The caller may mention a phony IRS employee badge number. New spins are constantly emerging, including threats of
arrest and even deportation.

Identity theft

The IRS warns that identity theft is a constant concern—and not just online. Thieves can steal your mail or rifle through your trash. While the IRS has made headway in terms of identifying such scams when related to tax returns and plays an active role in identifying lawbreakers, the best defense is to be cautious with your identity and information.

Return preparer fraud

Among the many honest professionals, there are also some con artists out there who aim to rip off personal information and grab phantom refunds, so be careful when selecting who prepares your tax returns.

Fake charities

Some taxpayers claim that they are gathering funds for hurricane victims, an overseas relief effort, an outreach ministry, and so on. Be on the lookout for organizations that use phony names to appear as legitimate charities. A specious charity may ask you for cash donations and/or your Social Security number and banking information before offering a receipt.

Inflated refund claims

In this scenario, the scammers do prepare and file 1040s, but they charge big fees up front or claim an exorbitant portion of your refund. The IRS specifically warns against signing a blank return and trusting preparers who charge based on the amount of your tax refund.

Making a charitable contribution

Making gifts of shares may be a good tax strategy for you. Why sell shares when you can gift them? If you have appreciated stocks in your portfolio, you might want to consider donating those shares to charity rather than selling them.

Donating appreciated securities to a tax-exempt charity may allow you to manage your taxes and benefit the charity. If you have held the stock for more than a year, you may be able to deduct the fair market value of the stock from your taxes in the year that you donate. If the charity is tax-exempt, it may not face
capital gains tax on the stock if it sells it in the future.1

Keep in mind that this article is for informational purposes only. It’s not a replacement for real-life advice. Make sure to consult your tax, legal, and accounting professionals before modifying your gift giving strategy.

When is donating stock a better choice than gifting cash or just selling the shares? There are several reasons to consider donating highly appreciated stock to a tax-exempt charity. For example, you may own company stock and have the opportunity to donate some shares. There are also potential tax benefits to consider if you donate appreciated securities that you have owned for at least one year.

If you sell shares of appreciated stock from a taxable account and subsequently donate the proceeds from the sale to charity, you may face capital gains tax on any potential gain you realize, which effectively trims the tax benefit of cash donation.

When is donating cash a choice to consider?

If you donate shares of depreciated stock from a taxable account to a charity, you can only deduct their current value, not the value they had when you originally bought them.

Remember the tax rules for charitable donations.

If you donate appreciated stock to a charity, you may want to review IRS Publication 526, Charitable Contributions. Double-check to see that the charity has non-profit status under federal tax law and be sure to record the deduction on a Schedule A that you attach to your 1040.

If your contribution totals $250 or more, the donation(s) must be recorded; that is, the charity needs to give you a written statement describing the donation and its value and whether it is providing you with goods or services in exchange for it. A bank record or even payroll deduction record can also denote the contribution.

Gifting cash or securities to an organization is a wonderful opportunity. But keep in mind that tax rules are constantly being adjusted, and there’s a possibility that the current rules may change. Make certain that you consult your tax, legal, and accounting professionals before starting a new gifting strategy if you intend to use the gift as a tax deduction.


This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information, and provided by Twenty Over Ten. It may not be used for the purpose of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Please consult legal or tax professionals for specific information regarding your individual situation. The opinions expressed and material provided are for general information, and should not be considered a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any security.

Are You A Risk Taker? How To See If Your Tolerance For Risk Matches Your Plan

Let’s see if your tolerance for risk matches your financial plan. What should you do if that balance is out of whack? What if you’re a natural risk taker, but you really shouldn’t be when it comes to your finances? We’ll explore all of these angles as we break down the role of risk in your financial and retirement plan.

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