Seven Essential Questions to Ask Before Retirement As you approach retirement, there are countless factors to consider that will shape your financial future and overall lifestyle. While some might focus on the basics like budgeting and investment strategies, there are deeper questions that can make or break your retirement experience. On a recent episode of […]
Summary In this episode, Kolin and Kyle discuss a case study of a married couple who retired with $1.5 million in tax-deferred accounts. The couple had several concerns, including when and how to claim Social Security, the need for more comprehensive financial planning, uncertainty about how much they could spend in retirement, adjustments needed in […]
Summary In this episode, Kolin and Kyle continue their case study of a married couple with $2 million in assets who are close to retirement. They discuss the income plan, tax planning, and investment strategies for the couple. The income plan includes exploring spending options, maximizing Social Security benefits, and choosing a withdrawal strategy. […]
Summary In this episode, Kolin and Kyle discuss a case study of a married couple in their mid-50s who are planning for retirement. The couple has a desired retirement age of 61 for the husband and 62 for the wife. They currently have an income of $270,000 and a desired retirement income of $144,000 per […]
Summary In this episode, Kolin and Kyle walk through a retirement income plan for a couple who are planning to retire in the next few years. They discuss the couple’s income levels, assets, and spending capabilities. They also explore different strategies for maximizing social security, tax planning, and investment planning. The episode emphasizes the importance […]